Magnus works with Fante Films
Exciting news! @MagnusAspli is working with Fantefilms on his adapted horror. Concept under wraps. Watch this space!
SMART takes over Outre
Check out the latest edition of Outré magazine! ‪@Steve_Ince ‪@MagnusAspli ‪#Outré http://outrepress.com/?p=1580

Kickstarter success for Magnus
Kickstarter success for Magnus Aspli and the Earthlock Festival of Magic Game!
Reset into the Finals
‪@MagnusAspli‪ & @robertklecha's thriller #Reset has now made it into the FINALS in the Page 2013 Screenwriting Awards...
Reset at Screenwriting Awards
‪Magnus Aspli‪ & Robert Klecha's thriller script #Reset is a semi-finalist in the Page 2013 Screenwriting Awards. Well Done!