Ince back at Reboot
Reboot Develop 2016 @Steve_Ince guest speaker at premier gaming conference in Europe! http://www.rebootdevelop.hr

Paranormal Society for iPad
Check out more of ‪@Steve_Ince's work - G5 Paranormal Society (PAPG) has just been released for the iPad.

A History of British Horror
Check out Ian Cooper's ‪@sappenslyquill new book A History of British Horror Cinema - it is a great read.

Special Enquiry Detail released
‪@Steve_Ince's work on G5's Special Enquiry Detail has just been released.

'Dough' wows audiences...
Check out the trailer for Jez Freedman's 'Dough' - opens nationally April 29th 2016! A feel good comedy - 'Dough' wows audiences. Jez...

Alice Charles in deals with Little Brother
Alice Charles is developing her original TV Series with Little Brother Productions.

Latest G5 release
@RomyHarper's latest update for Hidden City is out now on iOS.

Peter Mills is working on @BBCDoctorsSoap. We look forward to seeing his episode ‘To Thine Own Self'.

'Shooting the Rift' April Release
Alex Stewart's latest SciFi Aventure 'Shooting the Rift' is out in April - published by Baen Books! Well done Alex!

Sci-fi title 'Shooting the Rift' to Baen Books!
American science fiction publisher Baen Books has acquired sci-fi action adventure Shooting The Rift by British writer Alex Stewart....