"Greenborne" to join the airwaves
Lovely write up in The Times for the first new British radio soap opera in 40 years. Well done Colin! To find out when and where to...

Cannes Finalist!
Congratulations @Mikedavidward ! "The Stoker Legacy" was a finalist in the Cannes Screenplay Competition's 'Historical' category! :)

Peter Mills 'Doctors' Airs
Well done Peter Mills on your great episode 'The Prize' of @BBCDoctorsSoap.

Stoker Legacy Makes the Final
"The Stoker Legacy" is one of four finalists in the Oxford International Film Festival! Congratulations @Mikedavidward

Matt features in Infernal Ink
Watch this space... 1st April 2017! Preorder now at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XVVQRGD/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_slw3yb9VWPGAE … via...
Steve Ince's Lastest Talk
@Steve_Ince is sharing his "Introduction to Writing for Games' knowledge at Bradford College in November. http://www.nationalmediamuseum....
Publication for Blissett
Matt Blissett's story "Women and Children First" is to be included in the April 2017 publication from Hydra M. Star. Well done Matt!

Charity Screening of Dough
Jez Freedman sadly passed away in 2015 at the tender age of 36. R.I.P Jez you are greatly missed.

Magnus works with Fante Films
Exciting news! @MagnusAspli is working with Fantefilms on his adapted horror. Concept under wraps. Watch this space!

Brake's new audio adventure
Colin Brake is writing and script editing the new Dan Dare Audio Adventures with B7 Productions.